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منتدي الفضائي العام

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
  رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )  
قديم 10/8/2007, 07:28 AM
الصورة الرمزية الدكتور عبد الكريم
الدكتور عبد الكريم
استاذ فضائيات

 الأوسمة و جوائز
 بينات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو
  الدكتور عبد الكريم غير متصل  
الملف الشخصي
رقم العضوية : 52862
تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2007
العمـر :
الـجنـس :
الدولـة : السودان الأبيض
المشاركـات : 7,392 [+]
آخــر تواجـد : ()
عدد الـنقـاط : 414
قوة التـرشيـح : الدكتور عبد الكريم يسعي للتميزالدكتور عبد الكريم يسعي للتميزالدكتور عبد الكريم يسعي للتميزالدكتور عبد الكريم يسعي للتميزالدكتور عبد الكريم يسعي للتميز
افتراضي ما هو موقف نظم التشفير حاليا من المصدر

Digital scrambled channels

Most European households already have digital satellite TV. Many people have made the choice of buying a digital satellite receiver that promises many new programs and other *******: many movie channels with new and old movies, sport channels, children’s channels with many series and movies for kids, specialized channels: science fiction channels, ********ary channels, erotic channels, etc. Lead by such promises people often decide: I’m going to buy me a digital satellite receiver. But the initial shock wait for you: digital receivers cos up to ten times as much as ordinary analogue satellite receivers. You decide to buy a cheaper models since you think that most of the additional options aren’t useful to you. Now you happily walk home with your digital receiver, you unpack the box and connect it to your existing installation. Impressed by the fact that your receiver is now searching and entering programs on its own you leave him alone to work the next ten or fifteen minutes. Afterwards your receiver has found some programs, you sit down and start to watch and soon the beginning enthusiasm fades. Why? Your receiver simply receives only FTA programs (Free to Air), which means you don’t need any decoder for these programs. But among these programs there aren’t any of the programs you were told to receive. There are no sport channels, no kid channels and especially no movie channels. Why? To watch these programs you need a CAM and the responding card. This means without these two element you’ll be able to watch only FTA programs and you’ll recognize most of them, since they all still emit in analoge technology too (except maybe two-three additional programs). The programs that your interested in can be counted on one hand and the others serve no purpose for you since 98% of all programs are on a foreign ******** that you don’t understand and you don’t understand anything since most of them are synchronized. The other 2% of programs are the same you watched with an analogue receiver. What now? You have three options: 1. leave the digital receiver alone and just watch FTA programs, although your not interested into them 2. buy an additional CAM and card for the program packages you want to watch, which in fact is not that cheap and 3. forget about digital programs and return to good old analogue programs and let them last as long as they will last!!!

What your decision will be is up to you and it will probably depend on your financial abilities, on your interest in watching encoded programs and the price will depend on the need CAM and the package you want to view.

Conditional Access Modules

It’s about devices as big as credit cards that are inserted in a slot in the front of your receiver. To do so your receiver hast to have a CI-slot (CI stand for Common Interface). In fact it’s an ordinary PCMCIA slot that is also used on computers and laptops.

The module itself has a opening in which you insert a customers card, which has to compatible to the module itself.
In Europe today are program packages emitted in ten coding systems that are not compatible each to another. This is because of the great competition between satellite equipment manufacturers and because of the impatience of TV station. There were neither the time nor the will to develop one coding system for the whole of Europe.


Irdeto is on the first digital technology coding systems. It became famous since the vanished Kirsch package DF1 chose it for their needs. Later on DF1 and Premiere were put together and are now known as Premiere. Today’s most famous package that emits in the Irdeto system is Canal Plus Holland, which is emitting all programs in English with subtitles. They thought it would be un*****able, but soon software pirates succeeded and the first pirate Irdeto cards appeared on the market. Today several European TV station emit in this system and pirate card are available to everyone. In fact jus because of software piracy they developed BetaCrypt (a new Irdeto version in fact) that is used by Premiere World, Media Vision and the ORF package. Although they thought that this system would be safe soon there were pirate cards for this subsystem too. Not so long ago a known Greek package started emitting in Irdeto 2, which, in fact, is a subversion of the old Irdeto. The Nova package changed the codes every few days since it was very popular for their movie programs, which are emitted in the original ********. Nowadays new cards use new algorithms so *****ing won’t be so fast. In this system there also is a so-called Irdeto Free CAM. Characteristic for this Free CAM is that has no customer cards, but it has already a software installed which decodes all irdeto packages, but you’ll have to enter the needed code with your remote control on your receiver and on the Free Cam itself. The Free Cam became very rare these days, but it’s very popular since you can change it into a 3in1 module so it would decode Irdeto, Seca and Viaccess system, which allows you to watch 600 programs……but this works only on a Nokia 9600! Besides that a very popular receiver is the Humax 5400, which is enabled by its software to decode: BetaCrypt, Irdeto, Seca, Viaccess, Nagravision. This means with this receiver you can watch 800 encoded programs and also 200 FTA programs. The price for Humax 5400 is 350 Euros!

Irdeto 2

This is newest Irdeto version and they are not compatible. It is used only by a few packages like for example Nova, Showtime Network and Nilesat and some porno channels use it too. The system hasn’t been *****ed yet and till now there are no codes and hexes, but it’s only a question of time…


It’s also a subversion of Irdeto, you could say a enhanced version. It is used only by german packages like Premiere World, ORF and Media Vision.


Viaccess is the invention of the French telecom and so it is logical that is mostly used by French programs. Besides them this system is used by HRT, RTV Slovenia, ART, NTV, SRG-Switzerland, Scandinavian programs and some porno channels like i.e. Satrisfaction TV, Sex View and Ultra Blue and thea all announced that they will be switching to the new system called Viaccess 2. in fact this not a new system since the old Viaccess modules stay in use. It’s just a new version of Viacces cards that are believed to be immune against piracy and so is the whole subsystem believed to be. This subsystem is already used by the Greek package Alpha, which is emitting 15 programs via HotBird 13E. if you want to view our nation TV HRT (all three programs that are emitted also in analogue technology) you have to purchase a viaccess module or a satellite receiver with a built in viaccess module. Beside that you’ll need the HRT customers card, which costs 165kn and you’ll pay monthly a 50kn sub******ion fee. If you are buying the card for the use outside of Croatia and you are a Croatian citizen, then you’ll have to pay 22Euro for the card+ monthly 7Euro sub******ion+35Euro upkeep costs yearly. The programs known most are the Scandinavian Viasat. Viasat is known since the D2/MAC times at that times this program was broadly available thanks to the cheap card and decoders. This package is nowadays emitted via Sirius at 5E. this package contains 40 programs including the well-known TV1000 (three programs) and Cinema (also three programs). There is also the known TV3 programs, MTV Nordic and VH1 programs. Modules of this system are the cheapest and that is probably why most of European programs are emitted in this system. For a long time there was no pirate card available, but now they are available and the decode ca. 100 programs.

Viaccess 2

Is not the new system but new viaccess cards that are more secure and they cannot be cloned. The packages with this new cards are Canal + France, TPS, NTV Plus, RTV int., ART Europe, porn channels like SCT, Ultra Blue, Sex View etc. and soon Viasat, HRT and others.


This coding system is made by Phillips and it was thought of as secure, but lately there are pirate cards for this system on the market too. Modules for this system are made only by Phillips. This system is used only by programs that are emitted for cable distribution. These programs can be seen on cable networks. They are all emitted using CryptoWorks and they are afterwards distributed to the consumer. They are all part of the UPC Direct system that contains 30 programs, which are made for the viewers of cable networks in Central Europe. Although there are no pirate cards for this system on the Internet can be found some hex-codes for this system especially for the known Turkish package that is emitted via Eutelsat W3 on 7E. This package is indeed very attractive since it emits programs bilingual (original ******** and the Turkish synchronisation). Rumours say that the Turks will present this package to all viewers throughout Europe who are willing to pay. To watch programs encoded in the CryptoWorks system you need a CryptoWorks CAM and a card or you buy a receiver with a built-in module, i.e. Humax 5500. There is also the possibility of putting your Aston module into a CryptoWorks CAM (by using software) and afterwards again into the Aston module. The necessary files can be downloaded on the Internet.


This is an invention of the Norvegian TeleNor. It is used only for watching the encoded Scandinavian package Canal Plus and for some Slovak programs. For watching you need a Conax CAM and a card, but it’s nearly impossible to get a conax card. There are supposed to exist some pirate cards, but it is hard to get one, since any**** who has the hex-codes doesn’t want to make it public. The only way is to buy a card for Canal Digital, but this will be accompanied with costs of up to 500 Euro per year and even though you won’t be able to view Kiosk programs, since they have to be paid separately and you can’t order them outside of Scandinavia. It has been announced that Canal Plus is going to start emitting simulcrypted (Viaccess/Conax) since there are some European laws that say that packages in one country have to be emitted in two systems so that the viewer has the choice of which equipment he is going to use. This is going to happen till the end of 2002, but Canal Plus is saying it wont do so since it would open doors to pirates.


This coding system is used by packages that are emitted for cable distribution. This system has not been *****ed yet.


This system is widely used by spanish packages that are emitted via HispSat 30°W and a Polish package on HotBird. Now Premiere package is transmiting in this system. Pirate cards are, for now, easily found.


Besides Irdeto and Viaccess this is the most used system. Today there exist special CAM’s for this system that is also called Seca. Although Seca is not the **** of the system but the **** of the institution (Societe Europeenne de Controle d’Access) that developed MediaGuard. It was developed only for the use of Canal Plus programs throughout Europe except for Canal Plus Nordic. Canal Plus wanted to use this system only in receivers that would be able to use only this decoder (so-called Gold Boxes). But the unexpected happened: the French manufacturer of satellite equipment Aston developed a module that is compatible. This module is called Aston Seca. The compatibility is not 100% ensured since MediaGuard cards don’t work exactly the same on Aston receivers. There are some problems with receivers that have a built in Media Guard module since pirate cards won’t work properly. These receivers are made exclusively for the origina MediaGuard cards and some specified program packages as for example: Canal plus France, Canal Digitaal, Cyfra +, etc. Program packages, which use this system, are very attractive for the European viewers and there do exist pirate cards even now when they all transmit in new SECA 2 system! Bur cards can be found if You look hard enough.


This system was first used by the Sky digital package. Today it is also used by: YES, OTE, STREAM TV, TELE+ DIGITALE. Till now there are no special CAM’s but they are to be expected. This system hasn’t been *****ed, but there are rumours that you can buy clone cards for 500€!

Since there are so many coding system you would need the same number of receivers with the according number of CAM and cards. It is common that TV station in one country use different systems, so that there is a need for more receivers or a receiver with more than one CI. Like for example France two packages are emitted in two systems. This is why there has been passed a law which ensures that all packages in a country have to be emitted simulcrypted in two or more systems, so that viewers could have the freedom of choosing their equipment!

We will list the coding system which are used in Europe and we will list the program packages that can be received in Europe (and their coding system).








Astra 1 19.2°E





Astra 1 19.2°E





Astra 3A 19.2°E




AB Sat
Astra 19.2°E
Hot Bird 13°E

Viaccess 2
Mediaguard 2




Hot Bird 13°E

Mediaguard 2



Canal Satellite

Astra 19.2°E

Mediaguard 2



Sky Italia

Hot Bird 13°E

Mediaguard 2




Hot Bird 13°E



Velika Britanija

Sky Digital

Astra 2 28.2°E




Cyfra +

Hot Bird 13°E

Mediaguard 2



Polsat Cyfrowy

Hot Bird 13°E





Astra 1 19.2°E




Digital +

Astra 1 19.2°E

Mediaguard 2



Digital +

Hispasat 30°W





Hot Bird 13°E

Irdeto 2




Hot Bird 13°E




NTV Plus

Eutelsat W4 36°E

Viaccess 2




Hot Bird 13°E

Viaccess 2



Cine + Digital

Turksat 1C 42°E

Viaccess 1




Eutelsat W1 7°E



Saudi Arabija


Arabsat 2A 26°E

Irdeto 2


Saudi Arabija


Arabsat 3A 26°E

Mediaguard 2



Canal Digitaal

Astra 1 19.2°E

Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 2



Canal Digital

Thor 2/3 1°W





Sirius 2/3 5°E

Viaccess 1




Amos 1 4°W




SRG Swiss

Hot Bird 13°E

Viaccess 1




Hot Bird 13°E

Viaccess 2




Hot Bird 13°E

Viaccess 1


Saudi Arabija


Nilesat 7°W

Irdeto 2


Saudi Arabija


Nilesat 7°W

Irdeto 2


Saudi Arabija

ART Europe

Hot bird 13°WE

Viaccess 2



MTV Networks

Astra 1 19.2E
Hot Bird 13°E
Cryptoworks ViaccessTPS
Viaccess 2
Mediaguard 2


Some packages already use two or even three coding systems. The tab displays program packages by countries, coding system, satellite and emitted ********.

ORF Austria - this package is made for the Austrian speaking area. It contains differing versions of ORF that are made for the regions in Austria. All programs are emitted in German. You need a BetaCrypt or Cryptoworks CAM and a card.

Premiere - this package is made for the German area. All programs are former parts of the DF1 network or the analogue Premiere program. There are all kinds of programs from kid channels, entertainment channels, ********ary channels up to porno channel. There are also ca. 10 Pay per View programs that emit movies and sport events like the football games in the Bundesliga.
This package has altogether 40 programs, which should satisfy any****’s needs. Besides some of the PPV channels that emit bilingual the programs are emitted all with a German synchronisation. To view these programs you need a receiver with a BetaCrypt CAM and a card. (An Irdeto Free CAM or a All CAM version 4.6 or 4.7 will work too). Card cost about 1000€!

Digikabel – this package is emitted via Astra 3A 23.5°E and it contains programs to suit every****’s taste. Most programs are on German, but there are also other ********s. The package uses BetaCrypt and and nagravision.

Canal Satellite Numerique - this package as also the packages AB Sat and TPS is made for the French market. The package contains 60 movie, ********ary, kids, entertainment and erotic channels. It is emitted simulcrypted with MediaGuard 2/Viaccess TPS. This package contains the known Canal Plus wich is emitted in three versions that are emitted bilingual. The package also contains Canal+ 16:9 (widescreen). There are also 12 Kiosque programs, but they are only emitted in the Media Guard system. Other programs are mostly (80%) synchronized, but oftenly a program is first shown synchronized and the next day it is displayed in the original ********. You’ll need a Viaccess/Aston Seca2 CAM or a receiver with an according built-in module and a card. For original cards you’ll have to pay annually up to 450 Euros (depends on the chosen programs). This package is very attractive, because of Canal+ that is emitting in the original ******** with subtitles. Card cost about 1000Euro.

Parabole Reunion - this French package contains various channels (movie, ********ary, kids,etc.) all programs are synchronized on French. You’ll need a Viaccess CAM and a card.

AB Sat - this is a French package. It is simulcrypted emitted (Media Guard2/Viaccess) via Astra and HotBird. You’ll need a Viaccess Aston CAM or a receiver with a built in MediaGuard/viaccess CAM. The programs are mostly for youths: series, movies, ********aries and even a porno channel XXL that emits from 22:30 each day. You can buy original cards which costs about 400Euro a whole package.

Television par satellite (TPS) - this is also a French package and it contains 70 programs: kids, ********ary, entertainment, erotic, etc. the programs are synchronized and some of them transmits in original ********. You’ll need a Aston/Viaccess TPS CAM and a card. For original cards you’ll pay annually up to 1000Euro (depending on the chosen programs).

Sky Italia - A new Italian package. It contains more than 100 programs (morew 30 are PPV-programs). There are movie, kids, ********ary, entertainment, erotic channels (movie channels are emitted bilingual). You’ll need a Video Guard/Media Guard or Irdeto CAM and a card. You can purchase original card to decode the programs for about 500€. You can buy a MediaGuard clone card for 500€. VideoGuard clone cards do not exist at the moment. All programs are synchronized on Italian, which could be very interesting for Croats from Istria and Dalmatia. Since there is a vast variety of programs offered you won’t get bored. Especially regarding the movie channels (Sky Cinema 1, 2, 3) of which there are four (one is emitting in the 16:9 system) and there are also PPV channels with movies and the main sport events. I.e. Formula 1 races are transmitted on 6 channels and you are enabled to choose the camera view, the ankle, etc. all movies have the option of ******** choosing (Italian and original). Card and receiver costs about 2000Euro.

Mediaset - this package is the property of Berlusconi it contains the programs RETE 4, ITALIA 1 and CANALE 5. This package is meant for Italy. These formerly FTA programs are now using the Media Guard system for emitting some programs. Any ordinary Media Guard card decodes all this programs!

Cyfra + Polska - this package is for the Polish market; it contains ca. 30 programs and three versions of the movie channel Canal plus. It is important to mention that all programs are emitted synchronized on Polish. Canal plus is emitted bilingual, as for a matter of fact are also various versions of the Discovery channel that are real heaven for science and nature lovers! You need a MediaGuard 2CAM plus a decoder card. It costs about 1000Euro.

Polsat Cyfrowy - this package is for the Polish market and it is similar to Cyfra+. It contains various thematic programs and all of them are synchronized on Polish. For watching you need a NagraVision CAM and a card. Costs about 700Euro.

MTV Networks- this package contains various European versions of MTV and VH-1. also there is emitted the FTA version of MTV Central Europe. For watching you need a Viaccess/MediaGuard2/CryptoWorks CAM and an according card.

Digital + is the new this package is for the Spanish market. It emits about 100 programs: movie channels, kid channels, entertainment channels and ********ary channels. It includes few versions of the Canal plus movie channel, which are emitted bilingual. There are also PPV channels Taquilla, which are emitting new movies and porno 24 hours a day! Other programs are mostly synchronized. You need a MediaGuard2 or Nagravision Cam and a card which costs about 1500Euro.

Nova - this Greek package contains 20 programs that includes Filmnet and Supersport and all other programs differ. The programs are synchronized, but Filmnet uses subtitles. You need a Irdeto 2 CAM (the package accepted this new coding system not long ago) and a card which cost about 850€ annually.

Ote - this package contains ten programs for the Greek market. You need a VideoGuard receiver and a card.

NTV + Russia - this is a Russian package, which is emitted from the position 36E. It contains 50 programs: movie, ********ary, kid and sport channels. All are synchronized on Russian. You need a receiver with Viaccess CAM and a card. An original card that lasts for 6 months costs about 300Euros. There is a package on HotBird that emits a part of the NTV package, same can be found in Viaccess 2.

HRT - it contains HRT 1, HRT 2, HRTplus and three programs of Croatian radio. The programs are identical to the ground emitted programs of Croatian national TV. HRT 1 is mostly decoded, but HRT 2 and HRT plus are decoded only if Croatian programs are shown, if there are shown any other movies, series (non-croatian that is) both programs are send encoded. You need a Viaccess CAM and a card that costs 165 kn per year. This package is offered outside Croatia, but there the cost of a original card is 1000kn. If in future time HRT will offer some other programs this package could be very attractive, since programs are shown in original ******** and subtitles are used. This could be a plus throughout Europe.

RTV Slovenia - it contains the two national Slovenian programs. They often display new and good movies. It is important to mention that all movies and series are shown in the original ******** and subtitles. You need a Viaccess CAM and a card that can only be purchased in Slovenia.

SRG - this is a Swiss program package that emits for Swiss citizens throughout Europi. You need a Viaccess CAM and a card.

Orbit - this package is emitted on Arabic and contains Arabic programs with thematic channels. Various movie channels, kid channels, ********ary channels and news and music channels are shown. Sometimes subtitles are used. It costs about 800Euro to watch it.

ADD and Showtime Network - this packages of Arabic programs are emitted via the Egiptian satellite Nilesat. It contains 50 various thematic channels (movie, ********ary, kids, music and news). Most programs are synchronized on Arabic. You need an Irdeto CAM and a card.

Sky Digital - this package started emitting in 1998 in Great Britain. Till now it has a few million subscribers. The program is emitted via Astra 2 at 28.2E. It contains 300 programs and this number is growing. This includes 50 PPV programs and they are called Sky Box Office. Programs included in this package are really various: 20 movie channels: Sky Premier 1-4, Sky Movimax 1-5, Sky Cinema 1,2 and Sky Premier Widescreen and Filmfour. This movie channels are well-known and they are showing only new movies. Older films are shown on Sky Cinema. Sky Premier Widescreen shows daily up to four movies in cinema format 16:9. all movie channels emit in Dolby Surround technology and it has been announced that movies will be emitted in Dolby Digital soon.
The package contains 10 sport channels: Sky Sports 1-3, Sky Sports Extra (some versions), British Euro Sport and Manchaster united Television. There are also 10 different versions of BBC, which is divided by regions and the receiver automatic detects in which it is used. There are two versions of Cartoon Network and there are also many music programs included: MTV UK, VH-1 UK and MTV2 UK, which in fact is interactive and therefore music videos are shown on the viewers demands. The number of ********ary programs is increased in regards to the analogue versions: there are shown five versions of the Discovery channel: Discovery Home & Leisure, Discovery Channel +, Discovery Travel & Adventures, Discovery Sci-Trek and Discovery Civilization. Also there are the Animal Planet and national Geographic Channel. Every month there are new channels included into the package!
In the package are 50 PPV programs included (Sky Box Office). They work this way: if you want to watch a movie that is offered by Sky Box Office you just have to call and order the movie and you have to say at what time you want to watch it. The ordering system was upgraded lately: now you just have to push a button on the remote control of your Sky DigiBox. After that sit own in your favourite armchair and enjoy in the movie, which was in the nearest cinema just six or nine months ago, because usually it take a few months since the movie is available on Video or DVD till it’s shown on Sky Office. The Sky announced that he’ll show movies although they weren’t shown in the cinema yet or they will show them on Sky Office at least at the same time when they arrive in the cinema. The price of one movie on Sky Box Office is around 36kn. But there is one “catch”. The receiver has a protection built-in, a so-called Macrovision so you won’t be able to record movies shown on Sky Box by using your VCR. Sky intends to use the same protection on his other movie channels and on series on Sky One.
And now something about watching possibilities of the Sky Digital package. To receive the program you’ll need a special digital receiver with a built-in Video Guard system. Sky receivers are capable of receiving only their programs and FTA programs. For now you also can acquire only a Video Guard CAM which you could use in the CI-slot of your receiver. And it is assumed that Sky won’t allow the free selling of this CAM. But most likely it will appear as a independent unit at the market very soon. For the reception of Sky Digital you can purchase receivers from four manufacturers dedicated to Sky: AMSTRAD, PACE, GRUNDIG, PANASONIC and SONY. These receivers have all built-in a Video Guard CAM and slots for two cards: a subscriber card and a credit card for shopping via satellite or for paying movies on the Box Office. You’ll need the original Sky Digital card.
The receivers can be purchased easily in Britain or Europe, but as always there is a “ catch”. All receivers have to be connected to the phone line (except to the benefited subscribers) for the initial activation of the receiver and for the control of the card and for paying the Box Office. But if you activate the receiver once (or you buy it for the full-price 750€) you don’t have to connect it to the phone line anymore and you can use it anywhere, but maybe you will have to play with hardware and software a bit. Such receivers can be found in Europe and you just have to connect them to an antenna and feed them with power and insert the card. A receiver bought in Europe costs 750€, the card has to be purchased separately and it costs 1000-1500€ and it is made for using it during one year. The cheapest solution is working with a friend or relative in England which has an original Sky analogue card. Then he or if you are the owner of such a card can get the receiver for a benefited price of 300€ and the card for a benefited price of 500€. In this case you can solve problems that may arise easier. Then there will be also a possibility of getting cheaper sub******ions and you will be able to choose the programs that you want and you will only pay for them. In case you got a receiver for Sky Digital and you got also the additional card you can expect a vast variety of new movies and series and sport events.
Card and receiver costs about 1700Euro.

Canal Digitaal - is a Dutch package. It contains well-known programs like RTL 4, RTL 5, SBS 6 and RTL Veronique, this package also includes two movie channels CANAL+ Rood and Blawu that emit new and old movies. These channels all use subtitles, except for emissions of Dutch origin. You need a receiver with a Irdeto/MediaGuard 2 CAM and a card. This package is attractive and wanted in whole Europe since the contained programs are good and they use subtitles.
Card and receiver costs about 1300Euro.

Canal Digital Scandinavia - this package is made for the Scandinavian market. It contains four packages which is addressed to each Scandinavian country (Canal Digital Sweden, Norge, Denmark, Finland). There are various programs but they are mostly the same programs that are emitted in the D2/MAC system. They emit four versions of Canal Plus (each for one country) and two other versions of witch there is always one dedicated to each country. The sub******ion for each package has to be paid separately. Except for the Canal Plus versions all other programs are equal. The other programs are various: Eurosport, Discovery, Animal, National Geographic, MTV, MTV 2, VH-1, Cartoon Network, Fox Kids, Nickelodeon, four versions of Hallmark(which emits all day long movies recorded for TV), CNN, Sky News, Adult Channel, Playboy TV and other various local programs and 20 Kiosk PPV programs. The package is attractive since they are emitted in the original ******** with a possible use of subtitles on all programs, but the kid’s channels, which are synchronized except for Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.
You need a receiver with a Conax CAM and a card. Pirate cards exist but it is hard to get since no one wants to sell them or to give hex-codes out! Despite that the package is sold for 1300€ (it includes the CAM and the card and the sub******ion).

ViaSat Digital - this package contains well-known Scandinavian programs that were emitted in the D2/MAC system via the satellites Thor and Sirius. This package includes 50 programs. Programs like: TV1000, Cinema. TV3 program, MTV and VH-1, Cartoon Network, etc. The package started emitting in June 2000. The package is attractive since, like Canal Digital, the programs are emitted in original ******** with subtitles. You need a videoguard receiver and a valid card to view it. It will cost about 15000Euro a year.

Purchasing the cards

And now some advise for potential customers of original cards. It is for all program packages recommended to use original annual cards, simply for the reason of ensuring that you will actually watch these programs. Original cards can’t be bought from the program station itself, but you’ll have to have a friend or relative in the particular country in which the package, which you want to watch, is offered or you should use one of the various firms, which offer mediation for the purchase of original cards of all European packages! These cards will work perfectly as long as you pay the sub******ion!
Of course there are also pirate cards for all packages. They will attract a large number of customers, since they are cheap and they are able to decode a vast number of programs. This cards will work till the codes are changed for the next time. If you have bad luck this can happen a few days after you purchased it. Not so attractive programs will change the code not so frequently.
If the code is changed you will have to reprogram your card, which will be billed.
Whatever you decide: We wish you long watching of encoded programs with as less as possible code changing!

Slika artikla

Dream CAM
Price: 698,00 kn

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Topfield prijemnici + EMU
Price: from 998,00 kn

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Price:498,00 kn

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قديم 4/10/2007, 06:36 PM   رقم المشاركة : ( 2 )

الملف الشخصي
رقم العضوية : 76498
تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2007
العمـر :
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الدولـة :
المشاركات : 49 [+]
آخر تواجـد : ()
عدد النقاط : 10
قوة الترشيـح : hxh يستاهل التميز

 الأوسمة و جوائز
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hxh غير متصل

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